Category: Featured

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Join The Board!

  Board membership is a wonderful and impressive addition to your resume.  While the spiritual rewards to doing all kinds of service for our community are bountiful, you might not have considered how a term on our Board of Trustees can have a very different kind of reward in terms of your working life.  Many … Continue reading Join The Board!

A Message from Pastor Theresa

Beloveds!  Stewardship Celebration Month is coming right up. Your board members and people with stewardship expertise have been meeting to share dreams and make plans. I am looking for someone to serve alongside  the planning team and partner with me, by attending meetings, assisting with facilitation sometimes, and consistently tending to follow-up emails and phone … Continue reading A Message from Pastor Theresa

Resources for Reflection About Recent White Supremacist Shootings

We want to acknowledge the acts of white supremacist violence that were inflicted on people in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas in the recent mass shootings. We know that these are not isolated incidents, but part of an organized white supremacist movement. We want to honor that People of Color in our congregation may … Continue reading Resources for Reflection About Recent White Supremacist Shootings