Series: Sept 14, 22, Oct 6, 13 Wi$dom Path, 9-10 AM in the 3rd Floor Open Space. Please Join Pastor Theresa and Rev. Sheri. Participants and build awareness of your “money story.” Explore your attitudes and experiences with money, then delve into ways to align faith, values, and a sense of a life calling with their financial ways of being. Contact: for more information.
Sat., Sept. 21st, Circle of Oak Mabon Celebration, 7 PM – 10 PM, Starr King Room. Welcome darkness, harvest, and community! We celebrate the Fall Equinox with a ritual honoring the shifting season. Join us to farewell the Sun-centered growing time of the bright half of the year and welcome in the abundant, healing rest that the Dark Half of the year invites us to enjoy. Blessed Be. Questions? Emai Piper.