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Sat. July 6, Jason Ulibarri’s Memorial, 10:30 AM, Hamilton Hall.

Dear Members and Friends, The Memorial for long-time church member Jason Ulibarri will be on July 6 at 10:30 AM in Hamilton Hall. Pastoral Associates Dick Bailey, Corless Smith and Scott Magness are creating the service in collaboration with Jason’s brother, Jamison. Stefan Schneider is coordinating the music, including a drum circle. Carol Wood and … Continue reading Sat. July 6, Jason Ulibarri’s Memorial, 10:30 AM, Hamilton Hall.

Daring to Create a Culture to Hold ALL of Us, Sunday – May 26, Worship at 10:20

“Daring to Create a Culture to Hold ALL of Us” As Unitarian Universalists, our first principle states that we are all worthy. At First Unitarian Church of Oakland we proclaim, “All Are Welcome and All Are Worthy. For both statements to be a truth; we must embrace differences that divide us. Big Question: How do … Continue reading Daring to Create a Culture to Hold ALL of Us, Sunday – May 26, Worship at 10:20

Saying Good-Bye to the Shared Ministry between First Unitarian Church of Oakland & Pastor Jacqueline Duhart

Members, Friends, and Allies of First Unitarian Church of Oakland, To everything there is a season! Our shared journey of serving the mission, vision, and communities that define you as members of this liberal, progressive, faith has come to an end. Being your called minister and partnering with so many faith-filled lay ministers to grow … Continue reading Saying Good-Bye to the Shared Ministry between First Unitarian Church of Oakland & Pastor Jacqueline Duhart