Speaker: Amanda Smith

A Midsummer Celebration

The longest day of the year is the day of the Sun’s fullest strength, a time when we celebrate both His brightness and the first moment of release and turning toward the restful darkness of winter. At First Unitarian, Midsummer’s duality of joy and release toward change is the ideal time to honor our complex … Continue reading A Midsummer Celebration

Daring to Create a Culture that Holds ALL of Us.

As Unitarian Universalists, our first principle states that we are all worthy. At First Unitarian Church of Oakland, we proclaim, “All Are Welcome and All Are Worthy. For both statements to be a truth; we must embrace differences that divide us. Big Question: How do we co-create a new culture that affirms all of what … Continue reading Daring to Create a Culture that Holds ALL of Us.

Finding The Light in Each/Other’s Eyes: The Miracle of Connection and New Member Ingathering

As we approach the first night of Chanukah, we will reflect on the miracles of faith, hope, and perseverance against seemingly bleak odds. Just as the Maccabees experienced the joy and relief of a menorah that only held oil for one night yet endured for eight, we will celebrate the miraculous journey of discovery that … Continue reading Finding The Light in Each/Other’s Eyes: The Miracle of Connection and New Member Ingathering

The Stories We Tell: Who Do They Serve?

Humans are natural storytellers and the act of storytelling can help us navigate the world. Yet, often, we may find that we are stuck in telling ourselves and others stories that do not serve us–or, even worse–stories that harm us or others. Please join worship associates Kem Tetlow and Amanda Smith along with Musician Geoff Ullerich as we explore the power of the stories we tell to either harm or heal.

Questions? Please Contact office@uuoakland.org.
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The Beloved

The Queen of Months has arrived! Muslims around the globe are observing the holy month of Ramazan—a time of intense fasting, prayer, scriptural study, and charity to draw closer to the divine.  Our music this service will be Qawwali, a Sufi musical tradition from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and the congregation will join the musicians in zikr, an Islamic devotional practice of remembrance and praise of the One.  We will also bless our seminarians who are leaving for their internships. Please join Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Worship Associates Jim Briggs and Amanda Smith, guest musicians Jeanne and Murshid Kiran Rana and friends for this special service. This is a Time For All Ages Service.

Dualisms, Dichotomies, and Despair: Living in the Between

Binaries are basic to Western thinking, language, and teachings. We learn about hot and cold, good and bad, sweet and sour, right and wrong– the list is endless. Yet, languaging things this way sets up and continually reinforces a false dualistic template in our minds that informs our ways of moving through the world… Please join worship associates Amanda Smith, Kem Tetlow, Jim Briggs and E.N. Hill, pianist Geoff Ullerich, and Joyful Noise Band (playing in acoustic mode) as we search for ways to go beyond and between the extremes. There is Children’s Chapel today.

“The Path to Choose”

We welcome this year’s Balazs Scholar Rev. Emese Bodor as our guest preacher. Rev. Bodor’s topic, The Path to Choose. A short journey from Jesus’s world and words through daily Transylvanian life and reality. How do we make our decisions and commitments? Let us come together and celebrate the roots of our Unitarian Universalist heritage and the arrival of Advent. Worship Associate Amanda Smith, Pastor Jacqueline and Crescendo Choir will help us usher in the beauty and sacredness of this season. Joyful Noise will provide acoustic praise and worship prelude to open our hearts to our spiritual journeys. Please join us! All are welcome! This is a Time For All Ages Service.