Speaker: Heather Macleod

Jan. 15, 2023 – Cultivating Radical Hope and Resilience

According to therapist Fritz Perls, “nothing changes until it becomes exactly what it is.” In order to stop climate change we need to look at exactly how immense the problem is, exactly how discouraged we feel. Come hear stories of people who hit rock bottom and found that under the rock there were unexpected wells … Continue reading Jan. 15, 2023 – Cultivating Radical Hope and Resilience

Daring to Create a Culture that Holds ALL of Us.

As Unitarian Universalists, our first principle states that we are all worthy. At First Unitarian Church of Oakland, we proclaim, “All Are Welcome and All Are Worthy. For both statements to be a truth; we must embrace differences that divide us. Big Question: How do we co-create a new culture that affirms all of what … Continue reading Daring to Create a Culture that Holds ALL of Us.