Category: News

Join the Board of Trustees!

At our Annual Meeting on March 19 we will elect 3-4 new members to the Board of Trustees. This body directs church policy and serving on it is an excellent way to contribute to our church. Serving on it is an excellent way to contribute to our church. People with ideas, energy or talent around … Continue reading Join the Board of Trustees!

Hospitality Hour Needs You!

A message from Margaret Woodside: Dear Church friends, Many of you know that I coordinate our Hospitality Hour snacks. This ministry is important to welcome new folks and feed regulars. Unfortunately, very few people are bringing in food for Hospitality Hour. If no one signs up, there will be no snacks. My plan is to … Continue reading Hospitality Hour Needs You!

Join the Personnel Committee!

The Personnel Committee is embarking on an important project that begins with job descriptions and ends with better support for supervisors within the church to better serve our employees. Can you help? Human resources experience is great, but not necessary. The committee meets monthly on the third Thursday (It was mistakenly advertised as the wrong … Continue reading Join the Personnel Committee!

Updating Our Bylaws

The congregation will be voting on changes to our Bylaws at the Church’s Annual Meeting (Sunday, 19 March 2017) The Board of Trustees is recommending a series of changes to our Church Bylaws.  Some of these are pro forma and simply bring us up-to-date, but others are significant enough to warrant discussion. The Bylaws committee … Continue reading Updating Our Bylaws

Attention Visitors and New Members: New Embracing Journeys Series Offered

Embracing Journeys is for visitors, new members, and long-time members seeking deeper connection. It is here to help you decide whether Unitarian Universalism and First Unitarian are right for you.  It also helps you find your place at First Unitarian and get connected to other church members.  And it’s not just for newcomers; we all … Continue reading Attention Visitors and New Members: New Embracing Journeys Series Offered

Boost! West Oakland Seeks Tutors

Please consider tutoring an elementary school student at Boost! West Oakland. Six First Unitarian Church of Oakland members signed up recently but we need at least 13 more. Choose your time: Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday: 3-4:30pm or 5:30-7:00pm, or Wednesday: 1:30-3pm or 5:30-7pm. For more information click here or call Boost! West Oakland at 510-444-7285. … Continue reading Boost! West Oakland Seeks Tutors