Category: News

New Worship Associate Training

  The Worship Associate program is looking for new members. If crafting worship from words, rituals, and music sounds exciting to you…if you want be part of articulating the vision of this church community…if speaking from your heart and working with some very talented people appeals to you, then please consider applying to be a … Continue reading New Worship Associate Training

Join the Board of Trustees!

At our Annual Meeting, two of the four available openings for the 2017-2020 term were filled when Ella Wise and Michelle Ma were elected to the Board. It was remarked at that time that the Board could fill the remaining openings. A closer read of the Bylaws indicates that this is not true. The Board … Continue reading Join the Board of Trustees!

Save The Date: Mortgage Retirement Celebration!

As of May 1, 2017, we have paid off our mortgage three years early! Thanks to all! Please save the date of June 11, and plan to gather with your community for an all-generations celebration following worship. Contact Noemi de Guzman or Dick Bailey.

Want to Help Hire the Next Choir Director?

The search committee is looking for congregants who would like to participate in the hiring process for our new choir director. You will be required to attend a few meetings and participate in the interview process. If you are interested or have questions please email Stefan at

Starting Soon: Our One Service Summer Schedule!

Just a reminder: Our One Service Only summer schedule begins on Memorial Day, May 28 and runs through Sept. 10. During this time, the service will begin at 10:20 AM. Please mark your calendars! Our two service schedule will resume Sept. 17.

A Call From Pastor Jacqueline For Mother’s Day Worship Submissions

“Faith-Filled Faces of Mothering” is the worship focus for Sunday May 14, the national day set aside to celebrate those who ‘mother’ us. Pastor Jacqueline is our worship leader for this day. Please bring a framed picture of your Mother(s) or Mother of choice to church and place it on our altar. If you wish, … Continue reading A Call From Pastor Jacqueline For Mother’s Day Worship Submissions

Upcoming Child Dedication

If you are a church member and you would like to have your children participate in the May 7th Child Dedication, contact Rev. Sheri Prud’homme ( right away. In the UU tradition, we bless our children and commit to their care in this ritual. Most often babies and young children participate in the child dedication, but … Continue reading Upcoming Child Dedication