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Breath & Heart, Sublime Authority: A Message from Pastor Jacqueline

Just saying, maybe, there might be more than a slight probability that we as Unitarian Universalist (UU) may wrestle a wee bit with our Christian and Jewish roots. Consequently, during this season of Lent and Easter, some of us choose not to directly engage Easter stories that weave in and through RESURRECTION!  We resist, even … Continue reading Breath & Heart, Sublime Authority: A Message from Pastor Jacqueline

Ministerial Candidate Announced!

On Sunday, April 7th, the Ministerial Search Committee announced our candidate for settled minister: The Reverend Theresa Soto!  The congregation will decide on May 5th whether to call Reverend Soto at special congregational meeting.  Click here to learn more about our candidate and the upcoming vote.

Week of 4-2-19 New Events & Info

Sun., April 7, First Sunday Poetry, “Kindness Spoken Here.” 9:30 AM – 3rd Floor Library. This month’s theme is “Poems from Prison,” selections from a large collection written by people incarcerated in America’s prisons. Bring a poem or just come to regard. Contact Ron with questions. Thurs., Apr. 25, Congregational Book Group Meeting, 7:30-9:30 PM. … Continue reading Week of 4-2-19 New Events & Info

Week of 3/28/19 New Events & Info

Sun, April 14, Not An Ordinary Earth Day Service, 10:20 AM to Noon. Bay Area cities have declared Climate Emergencies. Your Earth Justice Associates (EJA) are concerned for the health, safety, and livelihood of our most vulnerable neighbors. Wide reaching injustices are happening now. Let’s correct them, change the rules, take actions, restore our planet. … Continue reading Week of 3/28/19 New Events & Info

Sun., March 31,12:15 PM, Commmunity Panel and Dialog: What Can We Do About Mass Incarceration?

First Unitarian Church of Oakland This promises to be a powerful and compelling event! Jonathon Simon is looking at the entire criminal justice system through the lens of the concept of Dignity. Jose Bernal will help us let our elected representatives know that we want change in the conditions in our county jail. This dialog wil help … Continue reading Sun., March 31,12:15 PM, Commmunity Panel and Dialog: What Can We Do About Mass Incarceration?

Sat. April 6, Going Deeper: Building Skills to Become a Better Anti-racism Ally, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM, Wendte Hall

An advanced session for white allies who have attended the morning workshop. Deeper practice for conversations with those who are skeptical about the impacts of racism. Cost $60 for public, $30 church members (use code UUOaklandmember) Register: Ally workshop 4.6.19 WITH LINKS Led by David Campt, PhD, a nationally recognized expert in race relations … Continue reading Sat. April 6, Going Deeper: Building Skills to Become a Better Anti-racism Ally, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM, Wendte Hall