Schedule for Candidating Week with Rev. Theresa Soto

Candidating week is the primary means of mutual discernment for the congregation and our candidate for a settled minister. This is the time for you to ask Rev. Theresa Soto your questions, and at the same time, Rev. Soto wants to learn more about us and our congregation’s interests. Please participate in this important time in the life of the congregation!

You are warmly invited to attend as many open events as you wish, regardless of meeting focus! All events are open unless otherwise noted.

Schedule of Events

Sunday, April 28
* 10:20 AM Rev. Soto will preach and lead worship service
* After worship, Rev. Soto will meet and greet children and youth and then join the Fourth Sunday Potluck for an open forum with the entire congregation.

Monday, April 29
* 2:00 PM Justice Council and Covenant Group Conveners will meet with Rev. Soto
* 6:00 PM Program Council and Children & Family Ministries will meet
with Rev. Soto

Tuesday, April 30
* 10:00 AM Community Connections will meet with Rev. Soto
* 2:00 PM Staff meeting with Rev. Soto – CLOSED, NO DROP-INS
* 6:00 PM Young Adult Group and Pastoral Associates will meet with Rev. Soto

Wednesday, May 1
* 2:00 PM Worship Associates will meet with Rev. Soto
* 6:45 to 7:15 PM Church Musicians will meet with Rev. Soto
* 7:30 to 8:00 PM Crescendo Choir will meet with Rev. Soto

Thursday, May 2
* 2:00 PM Operations Team will meet with Rev. Soto
* 6:00 PM People of Color & of Mixed Race Caucus, Allies for Racial Equity, and Journey Toward Wholeness Transformation Team will meet
with Rev. Soto

Friday, May 3
* 6:00 PM Board of Trustees will meet with Rev. Soto – CLOSED, NO

Saturday, May 4
* 10:00 to 11:00 AM Committee on Shared Ministry will meet with Rev. Soto – CLOSED, NO DROP-INS
* 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Open forum for drop-ins to meet with Rev. Soto

Sunday, May 5
* 10:20 AM Rev. Soto will preach and lead worship service

* After worship Special Congregational Meeting to vote on calling Rev. Soto to be our next settled minister

Important notes:
• All events will take place at church.
• Unless otherwise noted, meetings with Rev. Soto will last one to two hours, depending on the flow of conversation.
• Refreshments will be served at all events except worship services.
• If you need childcare for an event, please give at least 48 hours’ notice to any member of the search committee.

If you do not see any time when you can connect with Rev. Soto, please contact any member of the search committee or email