Author: UU Oakland Administrator

Week of 8/22 Updates

Search Team Survey September Perhaps the most important part of our congregation’s search process is to describe accurately who we are and our hopes, dreams, and concerns. After every service in September plus three more (TBA), we will be holding Cottage Conversations followed by a written survey. Child care available; snacks served. The survey will … Continue reading Week of 8/22 Updates


Senior Statesperson of our Congregation Sought for Help with Our Search Committee! As you may know, we are in the process of searching for a new minister to call our congregation. There are many people involved in the search work and the UUA has particular guidelines for a three-person negotiating team. Per the guidelines, we … Continue reading Announcements

Announcements 7/20/18

Church Member Action Needed before August 1st to support NO COAL in OAKLAND campaign! Earth Justice needs your vote and signature to authorize First Unitarian Church to sign on to a letter to Governor Brown asking him to endorse No Coal in Oakland and to reduce activities that proliferate fossil fuels in California before he … Continue reading Announcements 7/20/18