Speaker: Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae

Blessings of the Journey

Please join Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Worship Associate Amy Carlson, and Church Musicians Renee Witon and Stefan Schneider for this final service of our Sabbatical Ministry. Rev. Jeremiah will share some of his thoughts on the spiritual path and what he’s learned from his time co-ministering with our beloved community.  This is a Time For All Ages Service.

A Festival of Music!

Join us for a festival of music, poetry and reflections on the impact of music on spirituality and the human condition. Joyful Noise will open the service with their final performance until the autumn and this will be the Crescendo Choir final service of the year! Please join our talented Church Musicians Stefan Schneider and Renee Witon and Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Rev. Sheri Prud’homme, and Worship Associate Jim Briggs for this special service.  New members will also be welcomed into the church during our Ingathering Ceremony. There will be Children’s Chapel.

The Beloved

The Queen of Months has arrived! Muslims around the globe are observing the holy month of Ramazan—a time of intense fasting, prayer, scriptural study, and charity to draw closer to the divine.  Our music this service will be Qawwali, a Sufi musical tradition from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, and the congregation will join the musicians in zikr, an Islamic devotional practice of remembrance and praise of the One.  We will also bless our seminarians who are leaving for their internships. Please join Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Worship Associates Jim Briggs and Amanda Smith, guest musicians Jeanne and Murshid Kiran Rana and friends for this special service. This is a Time For All Ages Service.

In Our Own Tongues

In the Hebrew scriptures, the story of the Tower of Babel warns against the arrogance that can arise in assuming that we are all speaking the same language and having the same experience. In the Christian Scriptures, the Holy Spirit descends upon a group of people all speaking different languages and allows those present to understand others as though they were speaking in their own language.  What are the differences that make a difference and keep us separated? How can we learn to listen beneath the differences for the meaning that matters? Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae co-leads worship this week with Rev. Tamara Lebak, the former Associate Minister at All Souls in Tulsa. Her current project is writing contemporary Universalist hymns based on the Psalms and she will share this inspiring music ministry with us. Please join Revs. Jeremiah and Tamara, Bonnie Lebak, and Church Musician Renee Winton for this special service. This is a Time For All Ages Service.

Wake Up As Earth

The ecological crisis is at heart a spiritual crisis. In this special Earth Day service, we will explore humanity’s spiritual relationship to the natural world as we honor our planet home with music, meditations, and prayers. Please join Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Dr. Joanna Macy, Worship Associate Jack Macy, Church Musician Renee Witon, Pianist Geoff Ullerich, and Musicians Susan Keiter, Joci Kelleher, and Sarah Watts for this special celebration! This is a Time For All Ages Service.

Black Panthers

Living into our commitments to countering oppressions and anti-racism, this Sunday we will celebrate our partnership with the Ella Baker Center and local art honoring the Black Panthers. In conjunction with the Promise and Practice of our Faith Campaign, the collection will go to support Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU). Join Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Worship Associates E.N Hill and Elle Parks, Church Musicians Stefan Schneider and Renee Witon, the church choir, Micky Duxbury, Ella Baker Center representatives, and local mural artist Refa One, as we explore the work of countering white supremacy and co-creating the Promised Land. There is Children’s Chapel today

Easter Sunday Celebration!

All are invited to our annual Easter celebration for all ages. We will tell the Easter story and offer one another a bread and juice communion in Unitarian Universalist fashion. The service will open with a parade of Easter bonnets and festive ties, so wear your Easter finery! Children are invited to hunt for eggs after the service. Joyful Noise and Crescendo Choir will sing.
This is a Multigenerational Service.

Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Way

Sanatana Dharma: The Eternal Way

Hinduism is among the oldest of the world’s religions and it has profoundly shaped our liberal religious movement. Please join Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Worship Associate Isabel Call, and Musicians Renee Witon, Geoff Ullerich, and Richard Bruehl as we celebrate and contemplate our important relationship with this ancient wisdom tradition. There is Children’s Chapel today.

Spiritual Exercises for Liberation

Cultivating spiritual practices can enliven, challenge, and transform our lives. They can become the steps we take on the spiritual path to liberation. What disciplines inform our liberal religion? What might we learn from the multitude of practices of the world’s great wisdom traditions? Join Rev. Jeremiah Kalendae, Worship Associate Kem Tetlow, Musicians Stefan Schneider, Geoff Ullerich, Joe Cristofalo and John Shinnick, for transformative worship!  Daylight saving begins this Sunday. There is Children’s Chapel.