Speaker: Pastor Jacqueline Duhart

Dragged Kicking and Screaming into Heaven – One service at 10:20 am

Early in the 19th century Universalism swept across our young nation finding a popularity it never again achieved. It proclaimed a truly radical message. Is it time for us to return to the message that God’s love brooks no resistance? Universalism re-articulated for the 21st century. Join well-known Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Dr. Mark Morrison-Reed, the Crescendo Choir, and Joyful Noise for the one service first Sunday of October.

This is a service with a Time for All Ages for children and youth.

Easter Sunday Services

9:20 Family Friendly Easter Service

Join Rev. Sheri, Pastor Jacqueline and Worship Associate Dick Bailey for a family friendly Easter service as we celebrate the ancient miracle of the death of one leading to the resurrection of a community and the everyday miracles of rebirth and  transformation. An ensemble from the Crescendo Choir will sing. Wear your Easter bonnets, ties, and whatever finery make the day festive and join in our Easter Parade. Our Easter Egg Hunt will happen following this service at 10:30. Nursery care is available for children 5 and under.

11:20 Traditional Unitarian Universalist Easter Service

During the second service, there will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.

“Hallelujah, Life Is Worthy of Praise”, Sunday – December 25, 10:20 AM

The word hallelujah is a Hebrew word that means Praise the Lord. In our Unitarian Universalist context let us come together and give praise for all that which is holy. Please join Rev. Jacqueline, Rev. Sheri, Renee Witon and Trente Morant as we lift our collective voices in song and praise for life and welcome Hanukkah. Special music “Christmas In the Trenches” will be offered by Trente Morant and Stefan Schneider. Childcare will not be available. There will be a craft project during our time together for our children and youth. Members, friends and allies, come, come and be with one another on Christmas morning. Bring all your loved ones along.

“Holy Labor & Miracles of Life” 8:00 PM Service

Our whole lives we are laboring to bring into being-ness. At 8:00PM, please join Pianist Renee Witon, Crescendo Choir, Rev. Sheri and Pastor Jacqueline and be fed by stories and songs of labor and creation. Our service will conclude by lighting holiday candles and singing Silent Night. Come expecting a miracle and to be transformed. Please bring cookies to share for a joyful reception in Wendte Hall after the services! Invite your family and friends.

Pardon Me

Please join Pastor Jacqueline, Rev. Sheri, and Worship Associate Loretta Gaines as we reverently sit with the complicated relationships between forgiveness and pardon. I ask you, where does vengeance come from? Our youth and children are in worship for the first 20 minutes of both services. Music in our first worship service will be offered by John Shinnick. In our second service we will delight in our Youth Choir, Signs of Love. Worship services are 9:20 and 11:20. I look forward to seeing you.

This is a Time for All Ages Service.

Flying Together

Stewardship Sunday Kickoff. Our guest preacher is The Rev. Vail Weller, Congregational Giving Director for our Unitarian Universalist Association. Rev. Weller will preach on “Flying Together.” How does our stewardship campaign change lives, support community involvement, and ripple out as a balm to a hurting world? The Worship Associate is Kem Tetlow. Music will be provided by Crescendo Choir & Joyful Noise. Worship services are 9:20 and 11:20. All are welcome and all are worthy.

There will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.

Omniscience & Omniscient REALLY

Please join Pastor Jacqueline, Worship Associate Dick Bailey, Joyful Noise and Crescendo Choir as we examine what happens when we take actions based on incomplete and sometime faulty/partial knowledge. This Sunday we will also introduce and acknowledge the members of our Board of Trustees. Worship services are 9:20 and 11:20. Come to church, celebrate life and bring friends.

There will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.