Umoja: Fuel for the fire

As we end this year and start a new one, Ronnie Boyd will share about how our faith guides us toward community and unity. The history of Black and indigenous solidarity with regard to land and ownership shows us how we can heal our wounds and build a new way together. This reflection will include connections to ancestors and to our aspirations for the future. [Photo credit: Sherry Weston-Vigil, Westcloud Wellness and Inclusion]

Checking out First Unitarian Oakland?

If you’re joining us for the first time, we would like to extend a full welcome! Please answer a few questions on our Guest Connection Card.

After the service, we have informal discussion in our Virtual Coffee Hour — just stay in the same Zoom session after service ends. During that coffee hour, you can join our Newcomer Welcome breakout room for a quick introduction to the church and to answer your questions.