October 28, 2020 | Announcements & Events

November’s Worship and Learning Theme: Healing

you look at me and cry
everything hurts

i hold you and whisper
but everything can heal

― Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

So much of the world around us is in pain, but it is true that for many folks, so much of the world inside us, and inside others, is in pain. This month, the congregation will explore healing from many different angles–methods, sources, insights, and more. One of the most important elements of healing is for us to leave space for it. If healing is possible, how do we invite it? Join us this month for opportunities to cultivate self-compassion and healing, as well as exploration of what healing we can bring to the world and to those around us who are hurting.

Change Your Clock this Weekend

Daylight savings time is ending soon. Remember to “fall back” and turn your clock back one hour before you go to bed Saturday night. We return to standard time at 2 AM on Sunday.

First Sunday Poetry Circle
Sunday, November 1, 9:30 to 10:15 AM

Remember this is the day to “fall back,” so fitting the moment, our topic will be “Choice.” As in, “… two roads diverged in a yellow wood.” Bring a poem to share or just come to listen. Contact Ron Weisberg for Zoom details, which will be sent early Sunday morning.

First Sunday for Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression
Sunday, November 1, 11:45 AM to 1:15 PM

Join us to continue to develop compassion and skills for anti-oppression. We will be interactively discussing ideas from Emmanuel Acho’s series, Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man. Acho was a linebacker with the Cleveland Browns and offers clear and thoughtful exploration of ideas. For Zoom details, send an email to yesplease@uuoakland.org with FIRST SUNDAY in the subject line.

From Alex: I have new open office hours for congregants and friends!

Alex Haider-Winnett, Interim Director of Lifespan Religious Education, now has open office hours to check in about the state of religious education (RE) at First Unitarian Church of Oakland. Have an idea for a class? Let us know! Need support for bringing RE into your home? Check in with us! Have a story about raising children at UU Oakland? We want hear about it! Schedule a check-in, bring a beverage and snack, and let’s chat!

Alex’s Pep Talks

This week, Interim Director of Lifespan Religious Education Alex Haider-Winnett looks ahead to the election, Halloween, and thinking about the loved ones we have lost. Check out this week’s Pep Talk and previous ones at the Pep Talks Page on YouTube.

Is Your Zoom Up-to-Date?

For the best viewing experience at our live worship services on Zoom, you will need to upgrade or update to the latest version. You can find step-by-step instructions on Zoom’s website.