Rev. Laurel will lead a short service about the Journey of Love we are traveling together as a congregation. The Invitation to Generosity will include a short video by the Interfaith Movement for Human Integity, which is our half-plate recipient for this quarter. Following the service will be the Spring Annual meeting which will include an election of the new Board members.
Each Sunday, the First Unitarian Church of Oakland hosts worship that connects us both to shared values in community and to something larger than ourselves. True to our Unitarian Universalist practice, what we connect to ranges from theistic to nature-based to non-theistic and many things in-between, but is always held as part of the multifaceted beauty and care that we embrace. We appreciate music from the Crescendo and Pop-Up Choirs, as well as the Joyful Noise Band that plays live music for services and adds to the celebration of our community. Join us to hear messages on a range of subjects that encourage us to live into the selves and the community we dream of.
There are two ways to attend this worship service:
- In person: Worship service starts at 10:20 AM. We strongly recommend that you wear a mask while in the building. All are invited to stay after worship for Coffee Hour in Wendte Hall.
- Via Zoom: Click here to join us online for the service and Virtual Coffee Hour. Closed captions will be provided. The first part consists of watching the live stream, and the second part continues our practice of online Coffee Hour. The virtual “doors” open at 10 AM and music commences at 10:20 AM.
Checking out First Unitarian Oakland?
If you’re joining us for the first time, we would like to extend a full welcome! Please answer a few questions on our online Newcomer Connection Card. When at church on Sunday, you can also ask questions and get help at the Greeting Table on the patio before the service.
On most Sundays right after the service, we have a quick Newcomer Welcome in the sanctuary — meet up with a church member in front by the pulpit, for a quick introduction to the church and answers to your questions — then join us in Wendte Hall for Coffee Hour. If you attend via Zoom, you can stay in the Zoom session after the service for informal discussion in our Virtual Coffee Hour.
We look forward to you joining us for worship service each week! For more information, check out About Worship.