Join Susan Keiter and Alanna Kelly! With a special appearance from a distance by our beloved E.N. Hill. What can sustain our hope during this time of pandemic? Join us to explore this question! Look for an email with worship links to arrive by Sunday morning in your inbox; please click the link in the email to watch the service.
E.N. (pronounced like “Ian”) Hill is a veteran, a scholar, an activist, and an aspiring minister. They’ve been a member of our congregation since 2016 and have served as a: Worship Associate, Hospitality Greeter, Many Paths of Faith Speaker, Beloved Conversations participant, community volunteer, and so much more. In May 2020, they will graduate with a Masters of Divinity from Starr King School for the Ministry and plan to complete a parish internship at First Unitarian in Ottawa, Canada this Fall. Upon completion of ministerial requirements, E.N. intends to re-join the Armed Forces as a Military Chaplain. They are currently living in Florida with family as they prepare for the next chapter of life and ministry.
Embracing Meditation
April 26, 10:20 AM
First Unitarian Church of Oakland Facebook page
This Sunday, Alex Haider-Winnett will hold the space for embracing meditation on Facebook live. If you need help connecting or understanding how to participate, please reply to this email.
To participate, go to this link:
At 10:20, the meditation will start and you will be able to participate by reading others’ comments and writing comments.
If you don’t use Facebook, but you would like to include names or words, please feel free to email them or text them before Sunday at 10 am, with EMBRACING MEDITATION in the subject line.
text: 510-473-7686
Sunday events for Children and Youth
Please contact Rev. Sheri at for Zoom info on the following online events:
Children’s Chapel
10:00-10:25 with Rev. Sheri
Livestreamed on Zoom
Club UU (6th – 9th grade)
10:30-11:30 with Maya Ibrahim-Bartley
on Zoom
High School Youth Group
12:00-1:00 with Amy Carlson and the youth advisor team
on Zoom