Category: News

Board Task Force Updating Bylaws

A Board Bylaws Task Force is reviewing and updating First Unitarian Church of Oakland’s bylaws. It will review the current bylaws so that the Board can recommend changes to the congregation. A series of congregational meetings will let us discuss and collect additional suggestions. We plan to have a congregational vote at or before the … Continue reading Board Task Force Updating Bylaws

Guest at Your Table is Here

The theme for this year’s Guest at your Table fundraiser is “Defying Hate.” The program focuses on the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s (UUSC) work to protect human rights in the face of hate, Islamophobia and other forms of bigotry. This Sunday we will have brochures and collection boxes available in Wente Hall. We will help … Continue reading Guest at Your Table is Here

Lafayette Elementary School Coat Drive

It’s getting cold! Help us get jackets and socks for the 2nd and 3rd graders at Lafayette Elementary School! Jackets should be new (sizes 7-9) and socks should still be in the package. Please bring them to the Boost! West Oakland table in Wendte Hall. Questions? Contact Debbie Brown.

Between Here & There – Notes in the Interim – Note 1

During this program church year my plan is to offer a series of 6 articles that lift up different aspects of interim/developmental ministry for you to chew on and to discuss among yourselves. These 6 articles will weave together our worship and learning themes. The title for this series of 6 articles was inspired by … Continue reading Between Here & There – Notes in the Interim – Note 1