Author: Clark Sanford

Saying Good-Bye to the Shared Ministry between First Unitarian Church of Oakland & Pastor Jacqueline Duhart

Members, Friends, and Allies of First Unitarian Church of Oakland, To everything there is a season! Our shared journey of serving the mission, vision, and communities that define you as members of this liberal, progressive, faith has come to an end. Being your called minister and partnering with so many faith-filled lay ministers to grow … Continue reading Saying Good-Bye to the Shared Ministry between First Unitarian Church of Oakland & Pastor Jacqueline Duhart

Breath & Heart, Sublime Authority: A Message from Pastor Jacqueline

Just saying, maybe, there might be more than a slight probability that we as Unitarian Universalist (UU) may wrestle a wee bit with our Christian and Jewish roots. Consequently, during this season of Lent and Easter, some of us choose not to directly engage Easter stories that weave in and through RESURRECTION!  We resist, even … Continue reading Breath & Heart, Sublime Authority: A Message from Pastor Jacqueline

Ministerial Candidate Announced!

On Sunday, April 7th, the Ministerial Search Committee announced our candidate for settled minister: The Reverend Theresa Soto!  The congregation will decide on May 5th whether to call Reverend Soto at special congregational meeting.  Click here to learn more about our candidate and the upcoming vote.

Week of 4-2-19 New Events & Info

Sun., April 7, First Sunday Poetry, “Kindness Spoken Here.” 9:30 AM – 3rd Floor Library. This month’s theme is “Poems from Prison,” selections from a large collection written by people incarcerated in America’s prisons. Bring a poem or just come to regard. Contact Ron with questions. Thurs., Apr. 25, Congregational Book Group Meeting, 7:30-9:30 PM. … Continue reading Week of 4-2-19 New Events & Info