Sunday March 13 – Annual Meeting

Notice of Annual Meeting of the Congregation

Sunday, March 13, 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, on Zoom or in person

If you plan to attend in person, please arrive with time to register before the 10:30 AM devotional service.

In-person registration will begin at 9:30 AM. 

  • The Annual Meeting will begin after a devotion led by Rev. Theresa Soto. This meeting will include:
  • An election of new members of the Board of Trustees and gratitude and farewell to outgoing members
  • An update from Rev. Soto and the Board of Trustees on the “State of the Church”
  • A review of the 2022 budget
  • A decision whether to ordain Church member Alex Haider-Winnett into the Ministry
  • Joy in being together and renewing our commitment to our Mission

In order to vote at any business meeting of the church, one must be a member and have made a pledge for the current church year. If you are uncertain whether you are eligible to vote, please email the Board Secretary, Dan Wright.  Please plan to attend – we want to see you, we want to keep you informed, and we need a quorum in order to conduct the business of our church.