July 21, 2021 | Announcements & Events

Spiritual Development Workshop

After Sunday’s service, an all-congregation workshop to consider the spiritual assets, liabilities and staffing needs to best serve the lifespan spiritual development of every member.

Meeting ID: 885 4505 9245
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,88545059245# US (San Jose)

Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule

Your board of trustees will meet this on Sunday, July 25, and will begin with an open comment period at 12:00 PM.
Zoom link:
Contact board@uuoakland.org with any question.

Summer Programming for Children On Hold

Summer Programming for Children is on hold through the summer. We will resume Children’s Worship in some form when the Church’s program year begins, currently scheduled for September 26th. At that time we will also schedule Club UU for middle-schoolers and High School Youth Group. Please contact our Children & Family Ministries Coordinator, Nicole Fitzhugh, nicole@uuoakland.org for further information.