May 7, 2020 | Announcements & Events

Special Announcement

Congratulations, Rev. Sheri Prud’homme! Rev. Sheri has been appointed to a full-time position on the core faculty at Starr King School for the Ministry. Please watch this video in which our board president Rinda Bartley reads a letter from Rev. Sheri.

Announcing Our Interim Office Manager

Our Board of Trustees has approved the unusual solution for these unusual times of hiring a church member to serve as our interim Office Manager. Noemi de Guzman has graciously stepped up to support our team in producing the Chalice Chatter, coordinating the church calendar, assisting Rev. Soto, and seeing to our “virtual office” needs. Noemi (she, they) brings a wealth of experience and can be reached at

Growing Our Skills

Interested in building a team for Zoom worship? A variety of skills are needed: tech support, video creation, music creativity, coffee hour hosts…and more! Please send an email to to let them know what skills you would contribute to this important new team.

Zoom Ordination of our Beloved Michelle Ma
Sunday, May 31 – Gather at 3:00 PM

Please join us in this unique way to perform one of the most important traditions of our faith. Our Board of Trustees has decided to ordain Michelle Ma into Unitarian Universalist Ministry. Her call to ministry grew from her relationship to our congregation and we are delighted to perform this rite of initiation, transforming Michelle from a layperson and initiating her into the community of clergy, Reverend Michelle Ma. Direct questions to Laila Ibrahim at

Please email to request a Zoom meeting invitation for Michelle Ma’s ordination.