
Senior Statesperson of our Congregation Sought for Help with Our Search Committee!
As you may know, we are in the process of searching for a new minister to call our congregation. There are many people involved in the search work and the UUA has particular guidelines for a three-person negotiating team. Per the guidelines, we already have one member of the search committee, Dan Goss, and one member of the Board, Tara Noone. Now we need the last member who needs to be a “senior statesperson” of our congregation. This person does not have to be a “senior” in age but does have to have to be someone whose understanding of our history, our needs, our quirks, and personality is deep and wide.

Job Description:
*Work with other members of the negotiating team and possibly members of the finance
team to develop salary and benefits options for consideration by the Board of Trustees.
*Participate in negotiating with the ministerial candidate called by the congregation.
*Help the Board of Trustees incorporate the results of the negotiation into their budget(s).

Time commitment:
*The team would start meeting in September, largely via conference call. Work would
ebb and flow until final package is offered to the called candidate in April.
*Attendance at in-person meetings will occasionally be necessary, especially in April
when we are presenting the package and negotiating the package with the desired candidate.

Skills required:
*Experience dealing with budgets and personnel impacts on budgets.
*Ability to work well with teams.
*Experience with FUCO budgets and finances is a strong plus.
*Experience with developing and negotiating packages for new employees a strong plus.

Please put your hat in the ring by notifying Dan and Tara of your interest via email:;

Upcoming Events:

*Sun. Aug. 12, Free Community Yoga Class, 9:15-10:15 AM, Starr King Room. Join Davi Muhlinghaus-Anderson, a former member of First Unitarian, for trauma-informed yoga in a safe space that is open to all. All levels and abilities welcome. Davi completed 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Niropa Institute and emphasizes inclusivity, inviting all bodies to join the class. Davi will bring extra yoga mats that they have, but if you have a yoga mat please bring it along! Questions? Please Contact

*Sun., Aug. 19, Earth Justice Associates, 11:45-1:45 PM, Third Floor Foyer. Please join Earth Justice Associates on Sunday, July 15th after church to plan for a critical and timely Climate Awareness event. This event will take place on Sunday, Sept 9th, after church, to highlight our local concerns and action plan for moving forward to address climate issues. Questions? Please contact
Also, Mark Your Calendar:
~Sat., Sept 8th ~ Climate March, in San Francisco.
~Sun., Sept 9th ~ Climate Event after church.
~Wed, Sept 12th ~ Sat, Sept. 14th: Global Climate Action Summit, Bay Area.

*Sun.-Mon., Aug 31-Sept 3rd, UU Young Adult Camp 2018, Angelus Oaks, CA. YA Camp is in the mountains and provides creative & self-reflecting workshops, social justice streams, identity caucusing, spiritual fulfillment, and new friends. Registration/info at If you need a ride or can offer a ride, please email

*Sat. Sept 22, Church of Baseball Celebration, 6 PM, Oakland Coliseum. Our annual group visit to see the A’s and some fireworks is Sept 22nd. Tickets are $15. Please see Don Hermes (A’s hat) at coffee hour or contact at or 415 246 3086.

*The Church potluck is on Summer Vacation. We will resume our Monthly (4th Sunday) potluck.

*Do you know about our “no pets” policy? We love dogs, but please leave your pets at home. If you would like to know more about why we ask you not to bring your pet to church, please email

*Vespers is on Summer Vacation! Thank you to our fabulous Vespers Team for holding it down all church year long! Stay Tuned for Vespers startup information in the fall. If you would like to be a part of the Vespers team and help organize second Tuesday night worship and events, please contact Thanks!!!!

*Announcing Our First Accompaniment Team! Working closely with the Interfaith Movement 4 Human Integrity, we now have our first Accompaniment Team under the leadership of Lauren Poole. Our efforts to warmly welcome, be-friend, and walk-with an immigrant family is surrounded and supported by an additional circle of committed church members. And we are all, in turn, encircled and supported by all of you in our beloved congregation. The accompaniment is one of the four components of the New Sanctuary Movement. More information to follow soon. Questions? Please contact Beverly Smrha.

*Recruiting Worship Associates! Do you feel called to help others nourish their spirit? To lead others in celebrating the Divine in all? Maybe Spirit is calling you to serve your church as a Worship Associate. The current Worship Associates team is actively recruiting new participants. Don’t be surprised if you get a personal invitation! But as always, the call is open to all! Contact or for an application.

*Join the Young Adult Group! For people 18-35 (and allies). Find opportunities for community and service. We’re on Facebook “UU Young Adult Network (First Unitarian Church of Oakland).”