Speaker: Rev. Sonya Sukalski

“Faith? White Supremacy? Honoring the Journey In Between”

“Faith? White Supremacy? Honoring the Journey In Between” – First Unitarian Church of Oakland joins congregations across the country in identifying soul killing patterns that unconsciously perpetuate white supremacy. These patterns oppress us all; when we stop them, a holy moment happens and a new way emerges. Welcome guest preacher, Rev. Sonya Sukalski, Worship Associate, Lynn Gallogly, members of our Journey Toward Wholeness Transformation Team, vocalist Susan Keiter and Barbara North (First Service), Crescendo Choir (Second Service) and Joyful Noise as we examine unconscious patterns and learn ways to disrupt them and live faith-filled lives. A child dedication ritual will also bless our thirsty souls in the second service. All are welcome and all are worthy. This is a Time for All Ages Service.