Speaker: Rev. Sheri Prud'homme

We Begin Again, In Love – Services at 9:20 AM and 11:20 AM

On the eve of the Jewish New Year, the wisdom of this great world religion calls us to consider the ways we have fallen short and to make amends to those we have wronged. For those who do so, the Jewish Tradition suggests, God writes them into the book for life, health, and prosperity for another year. The Jewish prayers ask for forgiveness personally and for the community as a whole. Join Rev. Sheri and Worship Associate Isabel Call as they explore the interplay of forgiveness and prosperity as we begin again, in love.

“Sharing Journeys Faith-Full-Ly”

Sunday – June 18, 2017. “Sharing Journeys Faith-Full-Ly”.  One worship service at 10:20 AM. There are many metaphors that attempt to describe our journeys as people of faith. One metaphor that speaks to me was coined by the late Rev. Forrest Church; Unitarian Universalist minister, author and theologian (Sept. 23, 1948 to Sept. 24 2009). Rev. Church pictured Unitarian Universalism as the many windows of a cathedral, coloring the same light in different patterns. What patterns and colors does your spark of the divine bring to Unitarian Universalism?  Please join Worship Associate Sarah Watts, Rev. Sheri and Rev. Jacqueline as we imagine ourselves as cathedrals of lights shining forth to heal and transform a hungry and hurting world. In this service we will recognize and celebrate our youth who are Bridging to young adulthood. There is much to hold, Father’s Day, Juneteenth and Summer Solstice. Members, friends and allies, come, let us worship and celebrate our diverse journeys. This is a multi-generational worship service; our children and youth will worship with us for our entire worship time.                    

Our Chosen Faith

Sunday – June 11, 2017. “Our Chosen Faith.” One service at 10:20 AM

Rev. Forrest Church, Unitarian Universalist minister, author and theologian (Sept. 23, 1948 to Sept. 24, 2009) stated, “For most of us, our faith did not choose us, we choose it.” Does this statement resonate with you? Did you choose Unitarian Universalism or did Unitarian Universalism choose you? Please join Worship Associate Jeanne Rana, Rev. Sheri and Rev. Jacqueline as we explore some of the choices we have made to be people of faith. In this service we will formally ingather/covenant with new members; curious beings who have chosen Unitarian Universalism as their faith tradition. We will also celebrate a journey of faith that has resulted in retiring our mortgage debt on our historic building and church home. Members, friends and allies come, let us worship and celebrate together. Our children and youth will be with us for the first 20 minutes of our worship service.

Wanting Memories to Teach Me

Ysaye Barnwell’s “Wanting Memories,” which she dedicated to her father when her parents were living, speaks to a longing many of us have to learn more about who we are and about life from the stories of our elders. Come hear Betty Seiden, Bev Smrha, and Dick Bailey reflect on faith in their lives and how their understanding of faith has changed through the years. An ensemble of voices in harmony will bless us with their rendition of “Wanting Memories,” as well as other songs. This service begins our 10:20, one service only, summer schedule.

This is a Time for All Ages Service.

Easter Sunday Services

9:20 Family Friendly Easter Service

Join Rev. Sheri, Pastor Jacqueline and Worship Associate Dick Bailey for a family friendly Easter service as we celebrate the ancient miracle of the death of one leading to the resurrection of a community and the everyday miracles of rebirth and  transformation. An ensemble from the Crescendo Choir will sing. Wear your Easter bonnets, ties, and whatever finery make the day festive and join in our Easter Parade. Our Easter Egg Hunt will happen following this service at 10:30. Nursery care is available for children 5 and under.

11:20 Traditional Unitarian Universalist Easter Service

During the second service, there will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.

Perhaps This Is A Blessing

Mystics of many faiths teach us all life is a blessing and that we live in a grace-filled cosmos. There is an element of surrender in this understanding of grace. Join Worship Associate and Sufi Jeanne Rana and Rev. Sheri Prud’homme for an exploration of grace, blessing, surrender, and gratitude. Joe Cristofalo will offer music at both services.

This is a Time for All Ages Service.

Having Your Say

Destiny Arts under the Artistic Direction of Sarah Crowell will bring our worship focus on Black History to a close. Sarah Crowell, member of Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame and finalist for a Tony Award of Excellence in Theater Education will join us with a few of the Center’s magnificent dancers to place an exclamation point on our Black History Month Celebration. Destiny Arts exists to end isolation, prejudice, and violence in the lives of young people. Our Black History Highlight will continue to lift up the music and life of Mahalia Jackson. Crescendo Choir, Joyful Noise, Worship Associate Amy Carlson, Rev. Sheri and Rev. Jacqueline will be on hand to greet you.  This is an Inter-generational worship; our youth and children will be with us in both services for the entire worship experience. Please come prepared to have your say on a few questions related to Black History. All are welcome just the way you are.

Oaklandish Black History

Our celebration of Black History Month continues. What role did historic Oakland, California play in shaping the multicultural, multiracial world that we live and play in? Pianist Geoff Ullerich, Guitarist/Vocalist John Shinnick, Joyful Noise, Worship Associate Lynn Gallogly, Rev. Sheri and Rev. Jacqueline are the co-creators of worship and are expecting you. Our Black History Highlight will lift up the rich music of Mahalia Jackson. Please come with your loved ones and your neighbors. All are welcome.

This is a Time for All Ages service.

What Can One Church Do?

Join Rev. Sheri Prud’homme and Worship Associate Bill Blakely as they share some of the stories from the history of this congregation. It’s amazing what one church can do! On this first Sunday of Black History month, our stories will include some of the ways our church has connected with Black communities. Trente Morant will highlight Ed Kelly, father of Terrence Kelly, and our church’s role in the founding of the Interfaith Gospel Choir. May the stories of those who have gone before inspire us to live into the fullness of possibility in the months and years ahead.

This is a Time for All Ages Service.

“Lean Into Possibilities” – Two Worship Services, 9:20 AM and 11:20 AM

Is it possible to live with the steady unrelenting tensions of our times and to authentically connect to our divine nature?  What do the arts have to tell us about finding and living this balance? We will ponder a Welsh Tale “Why Deunant Has the Front Door in the Back and “I Dwell in Possibility” … Continue reading “Lean Into Possibilities” – Two Worship Services, 9:20 AM and 11:20 AM