Speaker: Rev. Jacqueline Duhart

Rooted in the Rich Soil of our Theological Heritage

From where do we draw our authority? Part of the answer is from the theological heritage of Unitarian Universalism. Ours is an open and evolving faith, and we are stewards of its unfolding. Knowing our theological roots can ground us in our resistance to the excesses of consumerism and militarism that widens the gap between … Continue reading Rooted in the Rich Soil of our Theological Heritage

“Sharing Journeys Faith-Full-Ly”

Sunday – June 18, 2017. “Sharing Journeys Faith-Full-Ly”.  One worship service at 10:20 AM. There are many metaphors that attempt to describe our journeys as people of faith. One metaphor that speaks to me was coined by the late Rev. Forrest Church; Unitarian Universalist minister, author and theologian (Sept. 23, 1948 to Sept. 24 2009). Rev. Church pictured Unitarian Universalism as the many windows of a cathedral, coloring the same light in different patterns. What patterns and colors does your spark of the divine bring to Unitarian Universalism?  Please join Worship Associate Sarah Watts, Rev. Sheri and Rev. Jacqueline as we imagine ourselves as cathedrals of lights shining forth to heal and transform a hungry and hurting world. In this service we will recognize and celebrate our youth who are Bridging to young adulthood. There is much to hold, Father’s Day, Juneteenth and Summer Solstice. Members, friends and allies, come, let us worship and celebrate our diverse journeys. This is a multi-generational worship service; our children and youth will worship with us for our entire worship time.                    

Our Chosen Faith

Sunday – June 11, 2017. “Our Chosen Faith.” One service at 10:20 AM

Rev. Forrest Church, Unitarian Universalist minister, author and theologian (Sept. 23, 1948 to Sept. 24, 2009) stated, “For most of us, our faith did not choose us, we choose it.” Does this statement resonate with you? Did you choose Unitarian Universalism or did Unitarian Universalism choose you? Please join Worship Associate Jeanne Rana, Rev. Sheri and Rev. Jacqueline as we explore some of the choices we have made to be people of faith. In this service we will formally ingather/covenant with new members; curious beings who have chosen Unitarian Universalism as their faith tradition. We will also celebrate a journey of faith that has resulted in retiring our mortgage debt on our historic building and church home. Members, friends and allies come, let us worship and celebrate together. Our children and youth will be with us for the first 20 minutes of our worship service.

“Faith-Filled Faces of Mothering”

“Faith-Filled Faces of Mothering” Based on your personal understanding of faith, what impact did the  faith, faiths or lack of faith (s) of those who Mothered you have on your spiritual journey?” Please join Rev. Jacqueline, Worship Associate Katrinca Ford, Crescendo Choir and Joyful Noise as we celebrate and honor those who have Mothered us and reverently explore how they shaped our spiritual being-ness.  Please bring a picture of the person or persons who you identify as Mother and place it on our church altar. Come, let us worship together.There will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.

“Set Me Free”

“Set Me Free”.  Palm Sunday and Passover are two religious/spiritual occasions that speak to triumph and emancipation. Palm Sunday celebrates the day that the teacher and prophet Jesus peacefully road into Jerusalem fulfilling a prophecy. Passover commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. Come and participate in a ritual that will invite you to lay down your burdens on the altar of release and feel triumphal and maybe emancipated. Be with Worship Associate Sarah Watts. Rev. Jacqueline and musicians Susan Falter and Susan Keiter. Joyful Noise will bring praise music from 11:20 to 11:30.  The 11:20 service is a multi-generational worship service (our children and youth are with us for the entire worship experience.) Please come and receive the blessings and grace of liberal worship. Invite your friends and family.

“Rise Up? No! Dive Down Deep.”

“Rise Up? No! Dive Down Deep”.  Lent is not central to the worship life of many Unitarian Universalist people of faith. However, Lent is very present in the spiritual/religious waters that we swim in. Lent is an opportunity for each of us to take stock and to pause from our list of to dos and deep dive into our lives. In these trying times, what might our inner lives have to say to us? What is our spiritual covenant with ourselves?  Dawn your diving gear for a deep dive into your life with Worship Associate Amy Carlson and Rev. Jacqueline. Music will be offered by Susan Keiter, Barbara North, Kyrie Eleison and Shabbat, Crescendo Choir and Joyful Noise. All are welcome. All are worthy.

There will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.

“Becoming Ungovernable: Notes for the Resistance”

We are less than 90 days into a new administration, and progressive religious people seem torn between the pragmatic and the prophetic. What stances could we take that are most faithful to the Holy’s call upon our lives? Come and be blessed by the dynamic preaching of Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt, our guest preacher and President of Starr King School for the Ministry. Rev. McNatt will be joined by Worship Associate Jim Briggs and Rev. Jacqueline. Special music will be offered by the duo award winning activist musicians Emma’s Revolution. Of course we will also enjoy Joyful Noise. Please come and experience the blessings of liberal worship. Invite your friends and family. Remember Spring forward, Daylight Savings Time.

This is a Time for All Ages Service.

“Is It Magic or Is It Grace?”

“Is It Magic or Is It Grace”?  We drink from wells that we did not dig. We eat from fruit trees that we did not plant. We are sustained by a planet that we take for granted. How can this be? Worship Associate Bill Blakely, Rev. Jacqueline will shine some light on the theological concept of Grace and how it might operate in our living. Crescendo Choir and Joyful Noise will also bring light to our shared worship experiences. All are welcome. All are worthy.

There will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.

Having Your Say

Destiny Arts under the Artistic Direction of Sarah Crowell will bring our worship focus on Black History to a close. Sarah Crowell, member of Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame and finalist for a Tony Award of Excellence in Theater Education will join us with a few of the Center’s magnificent dancers to place an exclamation point on our Black History Month Celebration. Destiny Arts exists to end isolation, prejudice, and violence in the lives of young people. Our Black History Highlight will continue to lift up the music and life of Mahalia Jackson. Crescendo Choir, Joyful Noise, Worship Associate Amy Carlson, Rev. Sheri and Rev. Jacqueline will be on hand to greet you.  This is an Inter-generational worship; our youth and children will be with us in both services for the entire worship experience. Please come prepared to have your say on a few questions related to Black History. All are welcome just the way you are.

Oaklandish Black History

Our celebration of Black History Month continues. What role did historic Oakland, California play in shaping the multicultural, multiracial world that we live and play in? Pianist Geoff Ullerich, Guitarist/Vocalist John Shinnick, Joyful Noise, Worship Associate Lynn Gallogly, Rev. Sheri and Rev. Jacqueline are the co-creators of worship and are expecting you. Our Black History Highlight will lift up the rich music of Mahalia Jackson. Please come with your loved ones and your neighbors. All are welcome.

This is a Time for All Ages service.