Speaker: Rev. Jacqueline Duhart

Ritual = Rehearsal for Revolution

Please join Balaza Scholar, Rev Tet Gallardo, Duck River Band, Joyful Noise, Worship Associate Sarah Watts, and Rev. Jacqueline as we continue to celebrate Black History Month. Rev. Tet, “Martin Luther was most famous for his speech I Had a Dream. But during his speech at the UUA General Assembly in 1966 he said, “There is nothing more tragic than to sleep through a revolution.” It was during this same year that the recognition of black women made a difference in NASA’s history.”  Rev. Tet Gallardo will guide us into how in ritual we can learn to imagine, hope, and gaze into the unknown with new eyes. Our Black History Highlight will reflect on the contributions of Terrance Kelly, Artistic Director for Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir. All are invited to come and make a joyful noise in worship and celebration. There will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.

“Lean Into Possibilities” – Two Worship Services, 9:20 AM and 11:20 AM

Is it possible to live with the steady unrelenting tensions of our times and to authentically connect to our divine nature?  What do the arts have to tell us about finding and living this balance? We will ponder a Welsh Tale “Why Deunant Has the Front Door in the Back and “I Dwell in Possibility” … Continue reading “Lean Into Possibilities” – Two Worship Services, 9:20 AM and 11:20 AM

“Till Death Do Us Part” – Annual Tolling of the Bells Worship, One Service at 10:20 AM

“It is right to remember the names of those who gave us strength in this choice of living. It is right to name the power of hard lives well lived.” It is just to reflect on the events and circumstances that shaped the life of all creatures and our planet. Please join Rev. Jacqueline, Worship … Continue reading “Till Death Do Us Part” – Annual Tolling of the Bells Worship, One Service at 10:20 AM

“Ah Ha! Ready, Open, Embrace” – One Worship Service at 10:20 AM

“The first of January is another day dawning, the sun rising as the sun always rises, the earth moving in its rhythms.” Ah a new year with new possibilities, are we ready to embrace what may unfold? Please join Rev. Jacqueline, Rev. Sheri, Worship Associate, Bill Blakely as we welcome a new year and dedicate new life with a child dedication ritual. Our children will be with us for the entire service. Joyful Noise will help usher in 2017 and Trente Morant is our pianist. There is ONE worship service at 10:20. Together let us celebrate the arrival of 2017, new life and new possibilities.

Water Communion

Our annual water communion ritual as we gather back together after the summer. One Service at 10:20 am.

Bring some water from a place that is meaningful to you to contribute to the ritual!

Welcome to the first worship service of our 2016-2017 program church year. Please join Rev. Jacqueline, Rev. Sheri, Crescendo Choir and Joyful Noise as we celebrate our annual Water Communion. Using the image of water we will reflect, refresh and recommit ourselves to our highest aspirations as people of faith. Please bring a few ounces of water that represent your summer travels or something that you engaged in that touched your soul. We will mingle our waters together and use the water to bless our church building and grounds. The water will also be used in sacred rituals like child dedications and anointing those in the midst of major life transitions. There will be one service at 10:20. Our children and youth will be in worship for the entire service. Let us celebrate and worship with joy and thanksgiving. Come and bring a friend.

Count All As Joy

One Service only at 10:30am   During the month of June our church theme is Gratitude! As a church community we will celebrate and welcome new members and bless the members and ministry of the Committee on Shared Ministry (CoSM). The CoSM is charged to support and monitor the overall vibrancy of all church ministries. Please … Continue reading Count All As Joy

“The Courage to Lean In” – Multigenerational Flower Communion

Services at 9:30 and 11:20 am. The first flower communion was a simple ritual in a barren sanctuary. Each person brought a flower. They were gathered in great vases. Each took home a different one. The power of beauty to inspire combined with the symbolism of many diverse flowers joining to make something more glorious … Continue reading “The Courage to Lean In” – Multigenerational Flower Communion