Speaker: Emily Stoper

Jan. 22, 2023 – Partnering for Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) moves forward, in its 83rd year, with courage and action, providing support to 70 grassroots partners in 50 countries around the globe. Our partners turn from despair as UUSC, with our congregation’s help, supports and advances creative solutions to our partners’ human rights challenges. Jane Facente and Emily Stoper … Continue reading Jan. 22, 2023 – Partnering for Human Rights

Cultivating Relationship across the Metaverse: Connection in Transition

Join us to explore insights from Pastor David Soto, Rev. Jeremy Nickel and Pastor Ninán considering church in virtual reality and what it can teach us for post-pandemic life.  If you’re joining us for the first time, we would like to extend a full welcome! Please answer a few questions on our Guest Connection Card. … Continue reading Cultivating Relationship across the Metaverse: Connection in Transition

Women Leaders, Strong Communities

“The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee – UUSC – is a human rights organization that works with partners around the world to help them respond to climate change, oppressive regimes and poverty.  This service, led by Jane Facente and Emily Stoper, with Corless Smith as Worship Associate, highlights women leaders who play a major role in … Continue reading Women Leaders, Strong Communities

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee: BREADTH of Spirit

Around the globe the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) confronts unjust power structures and mobilizes local communities to challenge oppressive powers. What motivates & contributes to the global impact of the UUSC? Please join Pastor Jacqueline, Jane Facente, Evelyn Sheridan and Emily Stoper as we share stories and reflect on the longstanding successes of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee. We will also distribute our UUSC boxes. This is a Time for All Ages Sunday.

“A HOUSE FOR HOPE” – Two Worship Services, 9:20 AM and 11:20 AM

Rev. John Buehrens is our guest preacher for both services. He and Rev. Jacqueline are doing a pulpit exchange. Rev. Buehrens was the former president of the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations and now is the senior minister of First Unitarian Universalist in San Francisco… He once co-authored, with Rebecca Parker, at the beginning of … Continue reading “A HOUSE FOR HOPE” – Two Worship Services, 9:20 AM and 11:20 AM

“Hallelujah, Life Is Worthy of Praise”, Sunday – December 25, 10:20 AM

The word hallelujah is a Hebrew word that means Praise the Lord. In our Unitarian Universalist context let us come together and give praise for all that which is holy. Please join Rev. Jacqueline, Rev. Sheri, Renee Witon and Trente Morant as we lift our collective voices in song and praise for life and welcome Hanukkah. Special music “Christmas In the Trenches” will be offered by Trente Morant and Stefan Schneider. Childcare will not be available. There will be a craft project during our time together for our children and youth. Members, friends and allies, come, come and be with one another on Christmas morning. Bring all your loved ones along.

Church. What Is That?

The percentage of Americans who say they “seldom” or “never” attend church (aside from weddings and funerals) is up ever so slightly over the past ten years.  So what’s go on?  What has happened to church goers? Join Pastor Jacqueline, Worship Associate Bill Blakely, Board of Trustees member Emily Stoper, Joyful Noise and Musicians Stefan and Friends as we check out what “church” means in the 21 century and look at who is attending. Please bring a friend to share in the good news of First Unitarian Church of Oakland.There will be Children’s Chapel in the Starr King Room and then Spirit Art & Games.

Technology as a Force in Our Lives

One Service at 10:30am

Is information technology liberating us or enslaving us? Is it linking us more deeply to each other or holding us apart? Is it enriching or impoverishing us? This service will seek personal and spiritual answers to these questions.

Join Guest Preacher and Member Emily Stoper and Worship Associate Karen McClelland for one service at 10:30!