“Both And, People, Places & Experiences” Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 10:20

Sunday, September 23, 2018… “Both And, People, Places & Experiences”

Are we enough?  Am I enough? To think that I am enough, is this arroganance? Is any person, any place, any experience enough? Perhaps it is BOTH AND…enough and there is room for more. Please join Rev. Sheri as she re-tells “I Am Enough” a New York Times bestseller that everyone needs to hear, Joyful Noise, Crescendo Choir and Pastor Jacqueline. Together we will explore the “Both And” of being human and striving to create a world that is infused with what is life giving  and just. Come come whoever you are. Together let us celebrate life and acknowledge its sorrows. See you Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 10:20.