Bylaws updates vote nears

The Board of Trustees has recommended changes to update our bylaws that will be voted on during our Annual Meeting, Sunday, March 19. These recommendations have been posted here, notices have been sent so that everyone could read the recommendations, and discussion meetings were held for all interested. The Bylaws Committee has received comments and suggestions, has presented these to the Board of Trustees, which considered them all: adopting some and retaining original language in other cases.
Click here to read the final draft of recommendations, which will be voted on at the Annual Meeting.

The comments and suggestions period has closed, but if you have questions please contact Laurel Egenberger or Laura Tully

A limited number of the recommendations will be available in hard copy at the Annual Meeting for congregants who are not connected. (If you are on this web page, please help us save paper and download the document to your device of choice).

[Many thanks to Chris Sutherland who did the great majority of the work on these bylaw changes—but if you have complaints, the Board is responsible].