Plan ahead for a full-weekend, in-person, women’s retreat in the redwoods this summer!  The retreat will take place under the soothing and inspiring redwood trees at Redwood Glen Camp and Conference Center in Loma Mar, CA on the weekend of July 14-16.

Anyone who identifies as a woman or girl or nonbinary is welcome to attend, as are boys below the age of 6.  Come and sing, dance, do yoga and qi gong, write, do crafts, read, talk, swim in the pool, play ping pong, hike among towering redwoods, lounge on the deck or do just what your spirit needs.  The Saturday night ritual and Sunday morning worship are high points for many people. Accommodations are comfortable and accessible.

This is a weekend you won’t want to miss.  It’s always a joyous occasion.  Registration will run from May 1 through June 30, during Sunday coffee hours, and on the church website,  We try to keep it affordable.  If you are a UU Oakland member and you need financial help this year to attend please reach out to the or you can contact Hester Green at 510.910.7356.

1) Registration — please click on the button below to register for the retreat online.  If you also want to pay online, please note the total of your registration costs, then proceed to step 2 after submitting your registration.


2) Online Payment — After you have completed your registration (and know how much to pay) you can click on the button below to pay your registration fees.


3) Underwriting Donation (aka Scholarships) — If you want to make a donation to offset the retreat costs and make this experience available to all, regardless of ability to pay, please use this link to donate online.


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