Speaker: Music by Renee Witon and Crescendo Choir

Sunday May 19, 2024 – Flower Communion

Along with our sibling Unitarian Universalist congregations, each spring we celebrate a ritual called the Flower Communion. It was initiated in Prague in 1923 by Norbert Capek, who was also the founder of the Unitarian Church in Czechoslovakia. He saw the need to unite the diverse congregants of his church, from varying Protestant, Catholic, and … Continue reading Sunday May 19, 2024 – Flower Communion

Feb. 18, 2024 – A Holy Rhythm

“Those who would silence doubt are filled with fear; their houses are built on shifting sands. But those who fear not doubt, and know its use, are founded on rock.” (Robert T. Weston) Join Worship Associate Corless Smith and Rev. Laurel to explore the essential role doubt can play for courageous people of faith. Music … Continue reading Feb. 18, 2024 – A Holy Rhythm

Sunday Jan. 7, 2024 – Tolling of the Bells

A longstanding tradition of this congregation is to dedicate the first Sunday of the year to remember and honor those who have died. Join Rev. Laurel and Piper Swim for a ritual of remembrance. Children will participate in the beginning of the service. Music will be offered by the Crescendo Choir. There are two ways … Continue reading Sunday Jan. 7, 2024 – Tolling of the Bells

Sep. 24, 2023 – Atonement and Renewal in Love

On the eve of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, Emily Stoper and Jeanne Rana will explore how some ancient practices can help us deal with our wrongdoing so that we can be forgiven, forgive others, strengthen our communities and feel at one with all beings. We will do a ritual of renewal and … Continue reading Sep. 24, 2023 – Atonement and Renewal in Love