Speaker: Led by Rev. Laurel Liefert

Oct. 22, 2023 – Not For Ourselves Alone

All of us are probably familiar with the question “who am I?” Have you ever asked yourself the equally important question “whose am I?” As individuals and as a faith community, to whom and what are we accountable? This Sunday we will have an Ingathering, a beautiful ceremony of welcome in which we will create … Continue reading Oct. 22, 2023 – Not For Ourselves Alone

Oct 8, 2023 – Our Bodies, Ourselves

Our bodies remember everything, the pleasure, pain, joy, trauma, even the imprint of our ancestors. Let ours be an embodied faith as we worship, sing, heal, and grow in community. This Sunday we will have a short introduction to Interfaith Light & Power, our renters on the third floor. Joyful Noise Band and Crescendo Choir … Continue reading Oct 8, 2023 – Our Bodies, Ourselves

Oct. 1, 2023 – What Holds Us Together?

In a community of seekers like ours, with a diverse spectrum of beliefs and unbeliefs, in a faith without a creed- what holds us together? Guest musicians Vincent Raines and Persisters. There are two ways to attend this worship service: In person: Worship service starts at 10:20 AM. We strongly recommend that you wear a … Continue reading Oct. 1, 2023 – What Holds Us Together?

Sep. 3, 2023 – The Fool or the Magician?

Poet Mary Oliver asks: “tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.” In this service, Rev. Laurel will ask a different question: “tell me about hope, yours, and I will tell you mine.” There are two ways to attend this worship service: In person: Worship service starts at 10:20 AM. We strongly … Continue reading Sep. 3, 2023 – The Fool or the Magician?

Aug. 27, 2023 – Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes

Each Sunday, the First Unitarian Church of Oakland hosts worship that connects us both to shared values in community and to something larger than ourselves. True to our Unitarian Universalist practice, what we connect to ranges from theistic to nature-based to non-theistic and many things in-between, but is always held as part of the multifaceted … Continue reading Aug. 27, 2023 – Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes