The Sower

Sowing Seeds of Love and Justice

The church is launching a campaign to grow pledges to each of our endowments to $500,000.

Donors may contribute to the funds through an outright gift of cash, stocks, bonds or other securities, real estate or personal property—and receive an immediate charitable tax deduction.

Donors can designate First Unitarian church of Oakland as a beneficiary in their wills, trusts, or as a beneficiary to their bank accounts or life insurance policies.
Donors can establish a Charitable Gift Annuity through the UUA. Annuities that provides a guaranteed monthly income until death, when the funds would go to the endowment.

If you would like more information about contributing to the endowment or have already named the church in your estate contact Laila Ibrahim at or 510-407-1739.

To best reflect personal values, we have three endowments: One for the operating budget, one for our justice work and one for our building. You can designate your preferences using the fund name, purpose and number in any proportion. If a specific fund is not designated contributions will go to the operating fund.

Building Fund (611177)

The Wendte Endowment will provide revenue for the maintenance of and improvements to First Unitarian Church’s historic building. Permissible uses of the fund are restricted to those that specifically pertain to the building itself and any building needs. Uses may include repairs or maintenance of any kind, replacement of any furnishings or finishes, salaries, acquisition of any new furnishings or finishes, expansion or modification of the facility or any other capital use.

Justice Work (611184)

The Aurelia Henry Reinhardt Endowment for Justice will provide revenue to support the justice ministries of First Unitarian Church of Oakland. Permissible uses will include salary and benefits specifically restricted to justice work; program expenses specifically restricted to justice work; any special events specifically related to justice work; and materials or other expenses related to justice work including transportation, food, rentals, printing or other expenses.

Operating Budget (610420)

First Unitarian Oakland Memorial Endowment Fund provides general operating support for routine, ongoing or normal expenses in the Church’s annual budget, including but not limited to salary and benefits, administrative expenses, facility maintenance and repairs, utilities, taxes and insurance, program expenditures, dues and fees, building mortgage, fundraising expenses and accumulation of reserves.

Our endowment funds ensure and strengthen the vision, mission and presence of First Unitarian Church of Oakland for the future. These funds are built over time through contributions from members and friends, either with gifts from estates or gifts made during lifetimes. Our endowment, held with the UUA Common Endowment, is conservatively invested in ways that reflect our Unitarian Universalist values. For more information go to their website:

Currently a small percentage of our operating endowment is paid out to the congregation each year. Once the building fund and the justice fund have reached $500,000 they will make yearly payouts as well. Endowed funds will help to create stability in our church budget and allow our vision to flourish in the future.

In addition to our congregational endowments, UU Oakland is also the beneficiary of several funds that are not managed by our congregation.

The Board of Trustees has appointed a three person Endowment Team to remain abreast of the status of all of the church’s endowed funds, review their use, promote their funding, and report on them at the annual meeting.

Current members of the team are Laila Ibrahim and Tom Haw. For more information contact them.

Laila Ibrahim

Tom Haw