June 18, 2020 | Announcements & Events

An Important Message from the Board of Trustees

The board of trustees has recorded a video message about responding to the economic impacts of the pandemic. Please watch it here.

Come to the Painting Party
Friday, June 19, 2 to 5 PM

Come to the church plaza to help paint large plywood patio decorations for Sunday’s flower parade and flower communion. Designs and supplies will be provided. Social distance and masks, please!

Community Action Circle
Tuesday, July 7, 1:00 to 2:15 PM

Want to take action for racial justice and to fight against police brutality? Dash Goss-Post and Amy Carlson are organizing an online Community Action Circle. During the action circle we will ground ourselves in UU values, take multiple actions like signing petitions and making calls, and have a time of processing afterward. We hope you can join us. Space is limited to 20 people. Please email yesplease@uuoakland.org if you would like to participate.

New Schedule for Pastoral Conversations
Tuesday, July 21, 1:00 PM

Pastoral conversations with Pastor Theresa continue, but the alternating-Tuesday schedule is being discontinued. The next pastoral conversation will take place on July 21, at 1:00 PM.

Board of Trustees Zoom Meeting Open to Congregants
Sunday, June 28, 12:00 PM

You are cordially invited to observe our Board of Trustees meeting on Sunday June 28, noon to 2:30 PM. There is a 15-minute open comment period (up to 3 minutes each) for visitors to share comments, questions, concerns, or wonderings with the board. Following the comment period, you are invited to stay on the Zoom meeting to observe any or all of the meeting. The zoom invitation and a packet of meeting materials will be sent to you if you request it at yesplease@uuoakland.org.