December 16, 2020 | Announcements & Events

Christmas Eve Celebration
Thursday, December 24, 6:00 to 7:00 PM

We are so excited for Christmas Eve! It will be different for sure, but being together is one of our greatest gifts. We invite you to Christmas Eve for carols and thoughts of hope and care. This year we will wander toward the gifts of science and Christmas and also ask the question, “What is the spirit of Christmas?” Come help us answer. We’ll have a candlelight ritual at the end. If you need a candle, or if you are available to help with a reading, let us know in an email to

Church Office Closed: Thursday, December 24, through Friday, January 1

If you have a pastoral care emergency, please reach out to Evelyn Sheridan, pastoral care coordinator at, or to Pastor Theresa, by email at or via phone call or text at 510-473-SOTO (510-473-7686).

Facilitator Training
Saturday, January 9, 1:00 to 2:00 PM

Whether you are a group leader, a group member, or simply interested in learning, you are invited! Rev. Theresa Soto offers training on two facilitation models: “5 fingers” facilitation and “conversational architecture.” To request the link for this training, send an email to with FACILITATION in the subject line.