July 2, 2020 | Announcements & Events

Choosing Discomfort: Racial Identity Caucusing on July 5
11:35 AM to 12:35 PM
This Sunday, following worship service, join us for our monthly First Sunday Gathering for Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression. We will break out into racial identity caucuses to build resilience in uncomfortable situations. Caucuses will be facilitated by Rev. Theresa Soto for Black, indigenous, and people of color, and by guest Janine Gelsinger, Executive Director of UU Justice Arizona, for dominant culture groups. She has worked alongside a grassroots coalition to win Civilian Oversight of the Phoenix police and organized over two dozen individual appointments with state legislators to successfully stop anti-immigration bills. She is passionate about radical inclusion, radical justice, and radical shades of lipstick. You will need a Zoom link to join. Please email yesplease@uuoakland.org to request Zoom details.

Report from GA
Last week, the General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association convened, entirely online for the first time ever. This is a gathering that combines worship, learning, fellowship, and governance at the national level. The Association, the congregations together, made some important decisions, including the Action of Immediate Witness called “Amen to Uprising: A Commitment and Call to Action.” This resolution, passed by the assembly, invites us as a congregation to rise up for justice and equity in areas of police violence and the carceral state. The text of that resolution is here. Scroll down for information on how you can take part in the Community Action Circle on July 7.

Join Plastic Free July
Join a nationwide campaign raising awareness about our use of plastic, especially single-use plastic. All month the Earth Justice Associates will post tips for reducing plastic in our lives and, therefore, in the waste stream. It’s not a guilt-trip; we’re all enmeshed in the system of plastic, but we can reduce, reuse, and recycle. For inspiration, watch “The Story of Plastic” on Discovery Channel or available on iTunes for $2.99. Zoom discussion at the end of July. For more information contact casmith@sfsu.edu.

Take Action for Racial Justice and Fight Police Brutality
Tuesday, July 7, 1:00 to 2:15 PM

Dash Goss-Post and Amy Carlson are organizing an online Community Action Circle. During the action circle we will ground ourselves in UU values, take multiple actions like signing petitions and making calls, and have a time of processing afterward. We hope you can join us. Space is limited to 20 people. Conatact amycarlson77@gmail.com if you’d like to participate.

Pastoral Conversation: Courage to Continue
Tuesday, July 21, 1:00 PM

In this video, Pastor Theresa invites you to join the next pastoral conversation on July 21, at 1:00 PM, via Zoom, on the theme of “courage to continue.” Please email yesplease@uuoakland.org to request Zoom details.