Let’s Get Ready for Flower Communion!

Sunday, June 21
9:00 AM – Drive-Through Flower Communion at Church
2:00 PM – Worship Service via Zoom
Following Zoom worship – Virtual Fellowship (in lieu of coffee hour)
A sure-to-be-memorable drive-through service for our annual Flower Communion is being planned for June 21. If you are not able to participate in a drive-through service, or if you know of someone for whom this is true, please reply to this email to let us know so we can consider ways to be more inclusive.
Everyone will have a spot for Flower Communion, only they will be in different places as we practice making room for each other. There is a limited number of safely-distanced spots that can be reserved on the church plaza for the drive-through. Spots will be allocated per family/household unit in a randomized drawing. To be included, please send an email to yesplease@uuoakland.org by Thursday, June 18 (firm!), and tell us how many of you will attend together. We will create a waiting list for anyone whose name is not drawn.
Flower Communion Sunday will continue in the afternoon with a live worship service via Zoom at 2:00 PM, followed by time for fellowship. Please email yesplease@uuoakland.org to request Zoom details.
Whether you will drive through or not, we invite you to send a picture of your garden or of a flower to yesplease@uuoakland.org, along with your name, a line about your picture, and a few words about what you hope will bloom at this time. By this you will help demonstrate the universal beauty of nature through Flower Communion.
We could sure use more help with our first-ever drive-by service for Flower Communion! Interested in a little more involvement? Please send an email to revsoto@uuoakland.org.