June 4, 2020 | Announcements & Events

We’re Forming a Sizzle Team

First Unitarian Church of Oakland seeks six (6) individuals to form a Side With Love “Sizzle” Team for rapid and faithful responses to protests, actions, or other needs. Would you like to join this justice ministry? Please email revsoto@uuoakland.org to let them know.

One-Stop Viewing

With many thanks to Vince Raines, we now have a one-stop place to view our growing video collection of worship services, embracing meditations, and occasional special announcements. You can find the First Unitarian Church of Oakland’s channel on YouTube. Once you’re there, be sure to subscribe so you can easily keep track of the latest content.

Pastoral Conversations

Join Pastor Theresa and community members at 1:00 PM on every other Tuesday for a time of conversation and centering. Centering always starts fifteen minutes after start time and lasts for fifteen minutes. The next one will be on June 9. For Zoom meeting information, please write to yesplease@uuoakland.org.

Wanted: Your Garden Picture for Flower Communion

Our annual flower communion service is coming up on June 21. You are invited to take a picture of your garden or of a flower and send it to yesplease@uuoakland.org, along with your name, a line about your garden or flower, and a few words about what you hope will be blooming at this time.

Reminders at Your Fingertips

Would you like reminders about Zoom services, drive-in services, and more? Email TEXT ME PLEASE to yesplease@uuoakland.org and provide your name and mobile number. We will let you know when we are activating the service.