June 25, 2020 | Announcements & Events

From Pastor Theresa: Summer and Service to Unitarian Universalism

Currently, I am not planning to leave Oakland or be away from church work until we are able to adopt a plan to use the building safely, essentially whatever the next re-opening phase will be. My allotted breaks will still happen, lest I run out of stamina for our shared journey. The difference will be that I will spread them out over time instead of taking all the time in a big chunk.

Summer means including service to the Unitarian Universalist movement. I have received invitations this summer that honor me with their particularity and responsibility.

  • The Berry Street Essay: This year, I was selected by the Berry Street essayists (Revs. Danielle DiBona, Joseph Santos-Lyons, and Kimberly Quinn Johnson) to be respondent to their essays. It is, this year, three sermons by the colleagues I list here, and my response. I do want to encourage you to listen to the three essays; they bring so much life, clarity and challenge to the discussion of Unitarian Universalist ministry today. My response starts at 40:53. Link to video.
  • I have been nominated and elected to the Unitarian Universalist Ministers’ Association Board of Directors. My portfolio will be governance. This is a great opportunity for me to help my colleagues lead us toward a future of liberation.
  • I was invited to offer worship at 2020 General Assembly. The service I prepared will premiere live on Thursday morning. The link to the service will be available after General Assembly.

I am really proud of our congregation. You are doing a wonderful job working at staying connected and adapting to changing circumstances. Keep going. I love you very much.

Rev. Levente Kelemen, Visionary Leader

Our Transylvanian Partner Church minister, Rev Levente Kelemen, has just passed away; this bold visionary leader will be sorely missed.

The Oc’land/Oakland connection began in the early 1990’s, when Levente and his wife, Eva, visited Oakland; and our complex and mutually-valuable and flourishing relationship began.

Levente was a man with emotional intelligence, collaborative skills, and a warm, loving heart. All of this was essential as the Hungarian/Transylvanians were a significantly persecuted minority in Romania; and Levente made the impossible happen.

Women’s Mini-Retreat
Saturday, June 27, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Check out the final schedule for the Women’s Mini-Retreat! All who identify as women or girls are invited to attend! You may get on Zoom with us by 9:15 or 9:30 AM, before the retreat starts, to make sure your connection is good and there are no problems. Then go do your own thing until 9:45 or so, when you’re invited to return for a few minutes of informal greetings before the formal schedule begins at 10 AM. Organized by Karen Axelsson, Emily Stoper, Marcia Kreycik, and Marilyn McMahon. For a Zoom invitation, contact womensretreat@uuoakland.org.

Board of Trustees Meeting Open to Congregants
Sunday, June 28, 12:00 to 2:30 PM

You are cordially invited to our next Board of Trustees meeting. There is a 15-minute open comment period (up to 3 minutes each) for visitors to share comments, questions, concerns, or wonderings with the board. Following the comment period, you are invited to stay to observe any or all of the meeting. For the Zoom invitation and packet of meeting materials, email yesplease@uuoakland.org.