Week of 3/07/19 New Events & Info

Sunday, March 10, Sharing Circle, 12-2 PM. Please join us for a Sharing Circle in the Starr King room after service. This special event is a forum for Congregants to speak what is on their heart and mind about current events in the life of our church. Rev. Mary Foran and several members of your Board of Trustees will be in attendance. Questions? Please Contact Michael Fitzhugh.

Sun., March 10, Earth Justice Associates, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, 3rd Floor Foyer. Earth Justice Associates are busy: Preparing for Earth Day Service, April 28th. -Developing energy and emission reduction plan for church facility. -Planning installation of solar power on church roof. -Educating all members of Green Energy choices to lower Carbon emissions and reduce PG&E bill. -Encouraging reducing miles/trips via private car; supporting transit equity in public transit.Please join us. Questions? Please contact earthjustice@uuoakland.org

Sun., March 10, Men’s Fellowship Gathering – 9 AM 3rd Floor Library.  Please join your brothers for a chat about Mens issues and the Mens Fellowship at First UU.  We have in the past held retreats, nature walks, breakfasts and work parties for the church.  This Sunday’s Gathering will launch a new calendar of Mens Activities at church.

Sun, March 17, Annual Congregational Meeting, 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM, Wendte Hall. Please plan to join us for the 2019 Annual Congregational Meeting, when we come together to review our work and decide our future! Lunch and childcare will be provided. Questions? Please contact Michael Fitzhugh.

Thurs., Mar. 28, Church Book Group Meeting, 7:30-9:30 PM, Email for Berkeley Location. Discussion of Michael Lewis’ “The Fifth Risk” – about the way federal agencies have been damaged by the Trump administration, to the great detriment the public. The New York Times Book Review calls it “[A] page turner.… [Lewis’] most ambitious and important book.” Contact Emily Stoper Emily.Stoper@gmail.com for information about location and accessibility.

Fri. , March 29, Young Adults Singalong Extravaganza, 7-9PM, Wendte Hall. Come to Wendte Hall for a potluck, game night, and singalong extravaganza! Bring food, snacks, drink, games, friends, but most importantly yourself and your lovely singing voice. Most-local pianist Geoff(rey) Ullerich will lead us in singalongs of popular UU tunes and more. Check out the FUCO Young Adults Group on Facebook for more information.


Many Paths to UU Oakland, Because of the Annual Meeting on 3/17, we will not be hosting a Many Paths on that date.  And because of Easter Sunday on 4/21, we will not be hosting a Many Paths on that date as well.

We warmly invite you to join us on May 19, for our first spring season Many Paths…….. to hear another inspiring personal story of a spiritual pathway that led to our friendship and cutting edge church.bevsmrha@gmail.com