We are the church. Now is the time. Replanting and tending our mission.

As we kick off the 2023 Stewardship campaign, our stewardship theme brings into sharp focus both the work and the possibility that lies ahead. What does it mean to give? What do we give toward–toward what purpose and what end?

The Dalai Lama reminds us that, “Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.” As we start our stewardship campaign, one of our opportunities will be to notice how the practice of loving one another and the community all around us connects with the practice of generosity. Join us for celebration, dedication, and contemplation on these essential subjects. Rev. Denise Cawley, an experienced fundraiser and Unitarian Universalist minister will join us.

Checking out First Unitarian Oakland?
If you’re joining us for the first time, we would like to extend a full welcome! Please answer a few questions on our Guest Connection Card. After the service, we have informal discussion in our Virtual Coffee Hour — just stay in the same Zoom session after service ends. During that coffee hour, you can join our Newcomer Welcome breakout room for a quick introduction to the church and answers to your questions.

We look forward to you joining us for worship service each week! For more information, check out About Worship.