Black Health Matters

Services at 9:30 and 11:20am

On Jan 18, 2016, for the first time in it’s history, activists shut down the Bay Bridge in protest of urgent injustice in our world. At the heart of this shutdown lies a message – a message at the center of Black Lives, a message with a dire warning to our community, nation, and our larger global village, a message that boldly and unapologetically states that not only do Black Lives Matter, but that Black Health Matters.

Come join UU seminarian Amanda Weatherspoon, one of the “Bay Bridge 25” activists who were arrested for the shutdown, as we explore the complexities of this all important facet of Black Liberation – of collective liberation  – and delve into the key ways in which this call to action upholds our Unitarian Universalist principles and is held together by our shared values of love, justice, and equity. Amanda will be joined by Rev. Jacqueline, Rev. Sheri and the children, Worship Associate Karen McClelland, Geoff Ullerich, and Stefan Schneider at 9:30 and again, joined by Joyful Noise, at 11:20am!  

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