September 17, 2020 | Announcements & Events

Notice of Annual Meeting of the Congregation
September 20, 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM

The Board of Trustees is convening the Annual Meeting, rescheduled from March 15 due to the closure of the church. It will begin after a 20-minute devotion led by Rev. Theresa Soto. In order to vote at any business meeting of the church, one must be a member and must have made a pledge for the current church year. If you are uncertain whether you are eligible to vote, please email Jane Facente. Please plan to attend – we want to see you, we want to keep you informed, and we need a quorum in order to make our vote/decisions legal!

You will need a Zoom link to join. You can request the link by sending an email to with ANNUAL MEETING in the subject line.

If you are a voting member joining with a smartphone, please use the Zoom app in order to vote using the Zoom poll function. If you can join by phone audio only, please contact Dan Wright ( and include your phone number; Dan will assist you with how to submit your vote.

Meeting materials can be found online in the folder named 2020 Annual Meeting of the Congregation. The folder has the updated annual report and a shorter document with the agenda, candidate bios, covenant, mission, vision, ends and service opportunities.

P.S. There are currently two open positions on the Board. If you would like to “try on” the board and fill a 6-month position, please contact Rinda Bartley.


Act Fast for Beloved Conversations:
Fall 2020 Registration Closes on September 20

Journey Toward Wholeness (JTW) Transformation Team is pleased to announce:

  • Beloved Conversations is being offered again !
  • It is being offered virtually this fall and in the spring !!
  • It is being offered in racial identity caucuses !!!
  • Many scholarships are available !!!!

Sponsored by JTW multiple times over the years, First Unitarian Church of Oakland has offered “Beloved Conversations: Meditations on Race and Ethnicity,” developed by the Fahs Collaborative. The curriculum writers have been responsive to our feedback and now have designed the workshop to address the differentiated learning between Black, Indigenous, people of color and white people. This means the program will better serve particular needs. Also, the virtual format makes it easier to join in. And many scholarships are available.

Please visit the Beloved Conversations website to read more about the three-phase roll-out that starts with a focus on the individual, personal work we each need to do. Hurry, registration for fall closes this Sunday, September 20!

A discount is available depending on how many registrations we group together, so please email if you will attend, are interested in a scholarship, or have any question.

UU Church in Livermore Invites You to Open Mic Nite
Saturday, September 26, 7:00 PM

The Unitarian Universalist Church in Livermore is inviting First Unitarian Church of Oakland to their open mic night! Come and join our neighbors for a night of levity and fun. If you would like to perform a musical piece, a comedy bit, magic show, or any number of other ways to show off what you can do, please email to Marilyn Schuyler. This will be a virtual event, so you don’t have to leave home. No need to perform to enjoy it. Mark your calendar for 9/26!