Week of 12-05-19 New Announcements and Events

Winter Concert Volunteers Urgently Needed
Helping Hands/Bakers needed to make the after-concert dessert potluck a success!
Please add your delightful dishes to the sign-up sheet here

In addition we need volunteers to help with ushering, receiving the bake goodies before the show, and replenishing the tables during the reception. Please contact Claudia Morgan  to volunteer

Sun., Dec. 8, Justice Team Meeting, 12:00 PM, Third Floor Open Space

The Justice Team invites your participation this Sunday at noon on the third floor. We will be deciding about which organizations we will make donations to via our Sunday collection. We will talk about Justice Moments in the service and how we can use them to educate, inspire and engage! If interested in Justice, please come and check us out! No commitment needed! Questions? Please contact Micky Duxbury.

Pastoral Prayer Announcements
If you ever find yourself wishing to lift up a loved one in the form of a pastoral prayer from the chancel (the ‘stage’ at the front of the sanctuary) during worship service, you may request that such a prayer be included by our worship leaders. Send an email to pastoralcare@uuoakland.org.
Warmly, your Pastoral Associates

Urgent Stewardship Update

At this time, pledges have reached about 65% of our “audacious” goal of reaching $530,000.

We are now working on finalizing the 2020 budget. The funding necessary to keep our doors open as well as for new programs to further enrich your community and spiritual life as a congregation is dependent on knowing the extent of these pledges.

Please help us in this final budgeting by turning in your pledge as soon as possible and no later than December 13.

Please contact stewardship@uuoakland.com. If you have an urgent stewardship matter that cannot be resolved via email, you can call the church office at (510) 893-6129. The church office is open M-Th, 10am-3pm. Thanks!

Help us Know your Intention

Beloved Members, Friends, and Allies, Sometimes checks are given to the church with nothing in the memo. We want to honor whatever your intentions for the money given, but sometimes we do not know what it is. And, it creates a lot of extra work for our dedicated members who process the checks. Whenever possible, please ensure that the memo line is filled out. Examples would include “General Donation” “Pledge for year: 20__,” “Justice Endowment,” “T-shirt,” among many others. Your doing this will enable us to better serve you. With gratitude, the church office

Sun. Dec. 8, “Beautiful Pillow Show II” Hybrid Auction & Sliding-Scale Raffle, Wendte Hall After Service.
The “Beautiful Pillow Show II” comes to Wendte Hall December 8. A baker’s dozen of pieced and appliquéd pillows will be silently auctioned and raffled off. All proceeds will go to the minister’s discretionary fund to give to homeless people who come by the church asking for help. Last year we made $1700 thanks to very generous bidding.
This year, to ensure that everyone who wants to can have a chance of getting a pillow, we have set two pillows aside to be raffled off. How the raffle will work: Everyone is welcome to purchase one–and only one–raffle ticket per pillow (for a total of two raffle tickets per person). The tickets are sliding scale, based on your ability to afford a ticket. Please gather up your spirit of generous giving for a good cause and use that amount to purchase your ticket. The one ticket per pillow per person ensures that everyone–regardless of their ability to pay for a raffle ticket, has a fair chance of winning the pillows. Join us for this experiment in equity and get a handmade pillow while helping the homeless this year!
Questions? Please contact office@uuoakland.org.