The Worship & Learning Theme for March & April is: Authority
Sun., March 3, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, First Sundays For Racial Justice Discussion & Potluck, Starr King Room. Please come participate in our First Sunday for Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression meeting. Sponsored by the Journey Toward Wholeness Transformation Team. Potluck lunch; child care available. We will have lunch together, start the meeting by 12:15 with preliminaries, then break into at least two caucuses by racial identities for an hour before coming back together for a few more minutes near the end. If you have a question in advance of the meeting, please address it to the JTW Team at
Sun., March 10, Earth Justice Associates, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, 3rd Floor Foyer. The meeting has been moved this month to March 10. We Usually meet on the third Sunday of the month. Questions? Please contact
Sun., March 3, Video Viewing Parties for the Curious, 2:30 PM – 5 PM Room at Church: TBA. Learn about the Intercultural Development Continuum (IDC), a way of looking at attitudes and behaviors that hinder and help us to progress on our journey toward multicultural community. Highly recommended by Pastor Jacqueline. Snacks! Future dates include March 19 at 7, 24 at noon and 26 at 7. Please RSVP for the date that works for you to Heather or Mary.