Do You Have a Few Minutes? We Need your Help!

There is an immediate need for some short-term (as well as longer term) volunteer work in the Church office. MSC19 (our fabulous search committee) has requested support in ensuring that our website and print communications puts our best face forward. While we have been continually improving and evolving over the years thanks to the diligent work of a few–including Michael Fitzhugh, Ted Curran, Clark Sanford, the church office staff, as well as the many others who have taken on smaller chunks of work. It is time to have some fresh eyes look over and give feedback and see what those of us who have been immersed in the website might not catch.
Additionally, we are looking for volunteers to do similarly with Chalice Chatter.
Please take a few minutes to answer our survey and let us know if you are available to volunteer on either of these more time-sensitive tasks.
Also, please let us know if you might be able to volunteer with the church office an as-needed or ongoing basis. We would like to know your availability and your interests/talents so that we might exuberantly dance with joy in anticipation of the blessings your generosity of time and creativity will bestow upon our beloved community.