Sun., Sept 9 (& Sept. 16) Registration for the All Church Retreat!
We’ll be hosting a registration table in Wendte Hall following worship September 9 and 16. The deadline to register is September 16. Scholarships are available, and all are welcome. To volunteer with registration and programming, please contact
Sun., Sept. 9. Second Cottage Conversation
Noon-1:30 PM, Starr King Room. Share your insights, hopes, and dreams for our next minister at the Search Committee’s #Survey September Second Cottage Conversation. We need YOUR input to make our search a success. Bring your laptop/iPad/phone to complete your questionnaire online (preferred) but paper copies also available. Snacks served; childcare available on request. Look for our handouts and questionnaire in Wendte Hall or sign-up:
Tue, Sept 11, Tutor Orientation at Boost! West Oakland
4:30 PM-6:30 PM, Layfayette Elementary School, 991 14th St, Room A115. Support West Oakland Youth. Boost! West Oakland is a weekly tutoring program that empowers youth, cultivates academic skills and confidence, and advances student learning. Register at Speak to Kate Lenhardt or Debbie Brown during Coffee Hour.
Tue. Sept. 11, Vespers Returns in a new form!.
6:30 PM, Hamilton Hall. Welcome to the new church year and a new format for Vespers! Please join Pastor Jacqueline and a guest musician from the Oakland Youth Chorus. If you have one and you wish to, please bring a meditation cushion. “Let us open out minds and hearts to the place of quiet, to the silent prayer for the healing of pain, and the soft, gentle coming of love.” Meditation #480 from “Singing in the Living Tradition.” Questions? Please contact
Sun., Sept. 23, Our Potluck Returns!
After Service, Wendte Hall. 4th Sunday Potlucks after Service will resume on Sun., Sept. 23. Please join us as we break bread and sit with each other in community.
We hope to see you then! Questions? Please contact
Sun. Sept. 30, Pop-Up Choir for Non-Singers and Singers Alike!
9:15 AM – 11:30 AM. Wish you could sing? This group is for you! The inaugural Pop-Up Choir will meet in the Church Sanctuary at 9:15 am. We’ll learn one easy song together and then sing it during the service. Pop-Up Choir is a designated “Safe Singing Zone” – no experience nor ability to sing required. Join us in musical ministry, even if you can’t carry a tune. We’ll carry you along with us! Led by Susan Keiter.
Sat., Oct. 13, Free Screening of “Human Flow”
7 PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM: Art-Making/Story-telling/ Refreshments), Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley 1 Lawson Road Kensington CA 94707. Over 65 million people around the world have been forced from their homes to escape famine, climate change and war in the greatest human displacement since World War II. Human Flow, an epic film journey led by the internationally renowned artist Ai Weiwei, gives a powerful visual expression to this massive human migration. The documentary elucidates both the staggering scale of the refugee crisis and its profoundly personal human impact. Human Flow comes at a crucial time when tolerance, compassion and trust are needed more than ever. This visceral work of cinema is a testament to the unassailable human spirit and poses one of the questions that will define this century: Will our global society emerge from fear, isolation, and self-interest and choose a path of openness, freedom, and respect for humanity? QUestions? Please contact the Social Justice Council
Tickets are free, but REQUIRED: